ESG Management


ESG Management Culture for Shared Growth
SK shieldus places the highest priority on customer values and practices customer-centered management, and spreads ESG management culture by establishing 'ECO Shieldus' for sustainable and shared growth.
Enhancement of SV through the Continuous Expansion of the Social Safety Net
The ultimate goal of SK shieldus' <Life Care Platform> Services is to provide safety and care for customers. SK shieldus protects society from cyber threats, such as hacking, through the information security service and builds a social safety net, such as protecting the vulnerable classes through physical security based on AI/Cloud Tech.
Resolving community issues based on Safety & Care services
Enhancing the information protection and security reliability of companies and society
Customer Experience Management

Customer management strategy and system
SK shieldus puts customer value first and practices customer-centered management.
SK shieldus places the highest priority on customer values and practices customer-centered management. SK shieldus established a customer experience management(CEM) system to provide a substantial customer experience and is implementing activities to discover and improve company-wide challenges to reduce negative experience factors for customers and expand their positive experiences.
Establishment of ECO shieldus
SK shieldus and BP(Biz Partner) plan to establish ‘ECO shieldus’ to achieve ‘ECO shieldus' to achieve sustainable coexistence in order to help create a healthy security industry ecosystem and spread the ESG management culture.
Zero safety accidents through industrial safety management
SK shieldus made the activities of protecting its employees, BPs, and stakeholders the goal of its safety and health management. SK shieldus is taking the lead in providing for the general safety and health management with a dedicated team and is striving to spread and establish a company-wide safety and health culture.
Safety and health management & employee health promotion activities
Safety and Health Policy
Comply with laws and regulations related to safety and health
Set goals and check them regularly to prevent safety and health accidents
Secure transparency in safety and health management activities by strengthening the communication system between employees and stakeholders
Employee health enhancement activities
Perform health checkups and vaccinations for all employees and their families
Group accident insurance and medical expenses support
Operation of an ‘Employee Care Program’ to support psychological treatment
Diversity & Inclusion
SK shieldus is creating a company where all employees practice sharing and communication to change the way they work and activate the organization. Based on this, they will be suitably placed to realize the continuous growth of business and become happy.

Establishing a Mutually Respecting Culture
Changing How We Work
Solve organizational problems together based on sharing, communication, and collaboration, and create results that can help the organization unit and the entire company to grow